生きる理由 A Reason to Live
(厩舎前 深夜)
Outside the Stable | Late Night
ディミトリ: ……何の用だ。
Dimitri: What do you want?
Byleth: どこへ? Where are you going?
ディミトリ: お前には、関係のない話だ。
Dimitri: It doesn't concern you.
Byleth: 関係ある It does.
ディミトリ: ……邪魔だ。そこをどけ。
Dimitri: Get out of my way. Now.
Byleth: 帝都に向かう? You're going to Enbarr, aren't you?
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
Byleth: それが死者の望み? Do you really think that will appease the dead?
ディミトリ: 黙れ。貴様に、彼らの何がわかる……。
Dimitri: Silence. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Death is the end.
No matter how much lingering regret a person has, after death, they are powerless. They cannot even wish for revenge, much less seek it out.
Hatred. Regret. Those burdens fall on the shoulders of those who are left behind.
Dimitri: And so I must continue down this path! I already told you as much! It is far too late to stop.
Choice 1: そうとは限らない You're wrong.
Choice 2: 別のやり方があるはず There must be another way.
ディミトリ: まさか、彼らのためにも前に進め、などとふざけた台詞を吐くつもりか?
Dimitri: Do not waste your breath with some nonsense about how I should move on with my life for their sake.
That is merely the logic of the living. It's meaningless.
Those who died with lingering regret... They will not loose their hold on me so easily.
ディミトリ: ……なあ、教えてくれ、先生。
Dimitri: But you seem to have all the answers... So tell me, professor. Please, tell me...
How do I silence their desperate pleas? How do I... How do I save them?
Ever since that day nine years ago... I have lived only to avenge the fallen.
Even my time at the officer's Academy was all so that I could secure my revenge and clear away the regret of the dead.
It was the only thing that kept me alive... My only reason to keep moving forward...
Choice 1: 自分を許してやればいい You must forgive yourself.
Choice 2: もう十分苦しんだだろう You've suffered enough.
ディミトリ: ……ッ。
Dimitri: Hmph.
ディミトリ: なら……俺は、誰のために……何のために、生きていけばいい……。
Dimitri: But then who―or what― should I live for?
Byleth: 自分の信念のために Live for what you believe in.
ディミトリ: 俺の、信念……。
Dimitri: What I believe in...
Rodrigue said the same thing. But is it possible...
I am a murderous monster. My hands are stained red. Could one such as I truly hope for such a life?
As the sole survivor of that day, do I... Do I have the right to live for myself?
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...
Your hands are so warm... Have they always been?